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Contest terms and conditions

meWATCH x Animax + GEM Doki Doki Crate Contest Terms and Conditions


1.      The meWATCH x Animax + GEM Doki Doki Crate Contest (the "Contest") is organised by Mediacorp Pte. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Mediacorp"). The Contest will be conducted from 15 September 2021 – 31 October 2021. These Terms and Conditions shall be read together with any other rules and/or terms and conditions applicable to the Contest (“Rules”), and shall apply to all stages of the Contest.


2.      Unless otherwise stated in the Rules or elsewhere, the Contest is only open to subscribers of the Animax + GEM Annual Plan residing in Singapore. All participants below 18 years of age as at the date of participation are required to obtain their parent's / guardian's consent before they participate in the Contest and shall provide the particulars of their parent(s) / guardian(s) to Mediacorp during the submission of the participants' particulars when taking part in the Contest and as and when required and/or requested by Mediacorp. The participant(s) warrant to Mediacorp that they have the legal capacity to participate in the Contest in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.


3.      All participants of the Contest must follow the procedures provided to them, including all instructions set out on this website, over the air or by any publicity materials provided by Mediacorp at any time and from time to time. The Contest mechanics are as follows:- 

(a)   For a chance to win, each participant must:

(i)            maintain a valid and paid up subscription to the Animax + GEM Annual Plan between 15 September 2021 and 31 October 2021, and


(ii)           answer the question: “What is your fondest memory of Japan, and why?”


(b)   Mediacorp will select the best 20 answers, and those participants will each win a 3-month subscription to Doki Doki Crate worth USD131.85 (approximately SGD179) (herein referred to as the “Prize”).


(c)   The winners will be notified by 12 November 2021. Each participant shall only be entitled to one (1) entry, and any subsequent submissions will not be taken into account. All winning answers and participants will be selected by Mediacorp in its sole discretion. Each participant is only entitled to win one (1) Prize, i.e. one (1) 3 month subscription to Doki Doki Crate.


(d)   To enable the Prize to be fulfilled, each winner’s name and e-mail address will be shared with Mediacorp’s business partners. Winners will also be required to submit additional personal particulars in order to receive the Prize (for example, an address). By participating in this Contest you acknowledge, agree, and consent to the foregoing.


4.      The following persons are not eligible to participate in the Contest: (a) employee(s) of any company in the Mediacorp group of companies (“Mediacorp Group”) and close relations of such employee(s), and (b) where applicable, the employee(s) of companies that provide sponsorship for the Contest. 


5.      Each participant shall make full and honest disclosure of particulars as requested by Mediacorp for the purposes of the Contest. Any misrepresentation of any fact or particulars (deemed material by Mediacorp) shall result in disqualification and/or the forfeiture, withholding, withdrawal or reclamation of any cash and/or prize won.


6.      The participant shall not, without the prior written approval of Mediacorp, speak to the press or any other media nor give any interviews or comments relating to the Contest. The participant shall not disclose any information whatsoever relating to Mediacorp and/or any company in the Mediacorp Group to any other party.


7.      Mediacorp reserves the right to substitute, add to or alter any item on the list of prizes offered. All prizes shall not be transferable nor exchangeable for cash or otherwise.


8.      Mediacorp does not undertake any responsibility to ensure that prizes will be delivered by the sponsors or otherwise to any prize winner. No obligation will be incurred by Mediacorp or by its related/affiliated companies, officers and/or agents by reason of the participant(s)' participation in the Contest or by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the participant(s) as a result of or on account of the Contest. Mediacorp shall not be liable or responsible for any and all losses, damages, costs and/or expenses (of any nature whatsoever) suffered by any participant arising from any failure or refusal, for whatever reason, to deliver or transfer, whether by Mediacorp or any sponsor, the prize or make good on any promise or offer to the participant(s).


9.      Mediacorp reserves the right, without any liability on its part whatsoever, to cancel, postpone, terminate, suspend, end, stop or in any other way cease the Contest at any time without prior notice.


10.   Participant shall bear their own costs and expenses incurred and/or arising from their participation in the Contest, including (without limitation), telecommunications, network, SMS and all such other charges and out-of-pocket expenses as may be incurred by each participant during or in connection with the Contest and no reimbursement may be sought from Mediacorp.


11.   By participating in the Contest, each participant agrees to take part in any and all marketing, promotional, publicity exercise as may be conducted by Mediacorp arising or with respect to the Contest and the participant irrevocably and unconditionally grants to Mediacorp all consents and waivers necessary for Mediacorp to record and use the participant(s)' performance, appearance, likeness and/or particulars as the case may be, in any manner whatsoever and in any part of the world as Mediacorp shall in its sole discretion deem fit. The participant acknowledges that Mediacorp shall be at liberty to publish and otherwise use any recordings made by Mediacorp, including without limitation the information on the Contest submission, telephone call, telephone recordings, audio recordings, visual recordings and photographs (if any), for the promotion and publicity of the Contest. The participant hereby expressly waives any and all rights which the participant may acquire or have under the provisions of the Copyright Act of the Republic of Singapore (and any subsequent enactment or amendments thereto) and any other moral rights which the participant(s) may have or be entitled under any such legislation now existing or in the future enacted in any part of the world.


12.   Each contestant’s personal data will be collected, used, disclosed and/or processed by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively the “Mediacorp Group”) for the following purposes:


(a)   for the Mediacorp Group or its designated representatives or business partners to provide goods and services to you or parties designated by you and matters ancillary thereto;


(b)   to verify and process payment when you purchase goods and services from the Mediacorp Group;


(c)   for verification and record of your personal particulars including comparing it with information from other sources and using the information to communicate with you’


(d)   for research and analysis, including surveys and polls;


(e)   to send you notices, information, promotions and updates including marketing and advertising materials in relation to the Mediacorp Group’s goods and services and those of third party organizations selected by the Mediacorp Group; and


(f)     to comply with any request from any third party or any order of court or directive from authorities investigating any alleged offence or misconduct or for the purposes of taking legal action against any you.


13.   By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you:


(a)   consent to the Mediacorp Group collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing your personal data for the purposes as described in Clause 13 above; and


(b)   consent to the Mediacorp Group transferring your personal data out of Singapore to the Mediacorp Group’s third party service providers or agents for the purposes as described in Clause 13 above.


If you have any questions relating to Mediacorp’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, please contact Mediacorp’s Data Protection Officer at


14.   The selection and number of judges, if any, and the manner in which the Contest is judged, at each stage of the Contest shall be at Mediacorp's sole and absolute discretion and the judges' and/or Mediacorp's decision at all stages of the Contest is final. No enquiries, appeals, verbal or written, shall be entertained. The participants shall accept and abide by any and all decisions made by Mediacorp and/or the judges concerning, without limitation, the rules of the participation, the rules, procedures and regulations of the Contest, the puzzles set on the Contest, interviews with the participants (if any), the award of prizes and any other matters relating to the Contest including the production thereof.


15.   As and when required by Mediacorp or otherwise, the participant shall produce his passport or identification card for verification purposes.



16.   Non-compliance with or breach of any of these Terms and Conditions shall immediately disqualify the participant from further participation at any stage of the Contest, and any cash and prizes won shall be forfeited, withheld or withdrawn.


17.   Mediacorp reserves the right to amend or vary any of these Terms and Conditions and the Contest without prior notice to any participant. Mediacorp further reserves the right, without any liability to any participant(s), to disqualify any participant(s) from the Contest at any time at its discretion.


18.   Mediacorp shall be under no liability whatsoever to the participant(s) or the participant(s)' personal representatives, in respect of any loss, damage suffered by the participant(s) arising from or pursuant to the Contest or for any loss, damage or injury to life or property sustained by the participant(s) at any stage of the Contest and during production thereof.


19.   The participant shall indemnify and keep Mediacorp and its related/affiliated companies, officers, agents and employees (the “Indemnified Parties") fully indemnified against any and all loss, damage, claims and costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) suffered and/or incurred by any of the Indemnified Parties as a result of the participant's breach of any of these Terms and Conditions.


20.   By his/her participation, the participant accepts to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and the Rules of the Contest.


21.   These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore. No third party shall have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Party) Act of the Republic of Singapore.

Details X


  • Start: September 15, 2021 @ 01:00 am (Asia/Singapore)

    End: October 31, 2021 @ 11:00 pm (Asia/Singapore)